Users' Manual For The Job Descriptive Index Jdi

  1. User's Manual For The Job Descriptive Index (jdi) And The Job In General (jig) Scales

The Job Descriptive Index (JDI) and related scales are frequently used by academic researchers and workplace professionals as a means of measuring employee attitudes such as job satisfaction. These scales are easy to administer, easy to read, simple in format, and scores may be compared to those from a nationally-representative sample of United States workers.

Creation of the Job Descriptive Index Smith, Kendall, and Hulin's book entitled Measurement of Satisfaction in Work and Retirement (1969) described the painstakingly careful development of the JDI. Patricia Cain Smith's (1917-2007) relocation from Cornell to Bowling Green State University in the mid-1960's brought with it the JDI Research Group, which has continuously operated since 1959 with. Job Descriptive Index (JDI) Job in General Scale (JIG) Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire (MSQ) Job Descriptive Index (JDI) Which of the following is NOT a core job characteristic included in Hackman and Oldham's Job Characteristics Theory? Task significance skill variety. One instrument, the Job Descriptive Index (JDI), used for indexing job satisfaction is described in this paper. The techniques for analyzing and using the data collected by administering this instrument are also presented.The JDI measures job satisfaction in the areas of pay, promotion, supervision, work, and people on the job. Association of Botanic Gardens and Arboreta (AABGA) using the Job Descriptive Index (JDI) and Job in General (JIG). The purpose of the research was to determine if differences in job satisfaction existed based on an individual’s job (management, horticulture, or other), gender, or other demographic information. In general, public. Jun 14, 2017  Balzer WK, Kihm JA, Smith PC, Irwin JL, Bachiochi PD, Robie C, Sinar EF, Parra LF (1997) Users’ manual for the Job Descriptive Index (JDI: 1997 Rev). Selected Reference Ironson GH, Smith PC, Brannick MT, Gibson WM, Paul KB (1989) Construction of a job in general scale: A comparison of global, composite and specific measures.

The Job Descriptive Index is designed to measure employees' satisfaction with their jobs.The JDI is a “facet” measure of job satisfaction, meaning that participants are asked to think about specific facets of their job and rate their satisfaction with those specific facets. Based on different versions of the Job Descriptive Index (JDI) and its German equivalent (ABB), a 30-item short questionnaire is developed that assesses general job satisfaction as well as.

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For more than 50 years, the Job Descriptive Index and related scales have been continually developed and refined by the university’s noted Job Descriptive Index Research Group. Comprised of numerous faculty members and Ph.D. students, members of the research group have used their expertise in psychology, scientific research methods, and organizational behavior to study workplace attitudes and behaviors using these scales. To encourage the use of the scales, the scales are available for you to use free of charge. Products and services related to our scales are available for purchase, and proceeds help to fund efforts in the future.

  • The Job Descriptive Index is designed to measure employees’ satisfaction with their jobs. The JDI is a “facet” measure of job satisfaction, meaning that participants are asked to think about specific facets of their job and rate their satisfaction with those specific facets. The JDI is comprised of five facets, including satisfaction with: coworkers, the work itself, pay, opportunities for promotion, and supervision.
  • The Job In General is also designed to measure employees’ satisfaction with their jobs. The JIG is a measure of global satisfaction, meaning that participants are asked to think about how satisfied they are with their job in a broad, overall sense.
  • The Abridged Job Descriptive Index and Abridged Job in General are shortened versions of the original scales. The abridged versions maintain adequate reliability, while reducing the administration time.
  • The Stress in General is designed to measure employees’ general level of workplace stress. Participants are asked to think about whether or not particular stress-related descriptors are characteristic of their job.
  • The Trust in Management is designed to measure employees’ feelings of trust toward senior management in their organization. Analysis of the scale revealed four factors (components) of trust: ability, benevolence, consistency, and integrity.

User’s Manuals, Automated Scoring Services, Norm-Referenced Scoring, and other services

User's Manual For The Job Descriptive Index (jdi) And The Job In General (jig) Scales

It is strongly recommended that researchers and workplace professionals acquire the Quick Reference Guide prior to administering the JDI or other scales. These documents describe the development, validity, and reliability of the scales, as well as the proper administration, scoring, and interpretation of the scales. We offer solutions that can help you quickly recode your data for interpretation (automated scoring) and even compare scores from your sample to scores obtained from a large-scale, nationally-representative sample of United States workers (norm-referenced scoring).